Equipo de trabajo

Sergio Trilles

Sergio Trilles has a Ph.D. in Integration of Geospatial Information from the Jaume I University in 2015 and he is currently a postdoctoral fellow at University Jaime I, holding a Juan de la Cierva‐Incorporación fellowship. His research lines are centred on geospatial fields such as the Internet of Things (sensors), interoperability, geoprocessing or web mapping. He is the author of more than 50 journal and conference peer‐reviewed publications.

Joaquín Huerta Guijarro

Prof. Joaquín Huerta is full professor in the Department of Information Systems at UJI. He holds a Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s Degree in Computer Aided Design from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), and a PhD in Computer Science Engineering from UJI. His main activities involve research in smart cities/campuses, Internet technologies, Augmented reality, 3D models, Web 2.0, contextual systems, sensor networks and GIS application development.

Michael Gould

Michael Gould received his PhD in GIS at the University of Buffalo, and has been a associate professor of GIS at Universitat Jaume I since 1997. He has directed many R&D projects at the local, national and European levels, as well as 4 PhD theses (others in progress). His research interests include distributed GIS, Smart Cities, and hybrid FOSS/proprietary interoperability. He now works part-time at UJI because since December 2008 he began working at Esri (California), currently as Global Education Manager working mostly in Europe, Middle East and Africa.

Jose Francisco Ramos Romero

Jose Francisco Ramos is an Associate Professor at the Computer Languages and Systems Department at UJI (Spain). He got his Ph.D. with honours from this University in 2008. His research interests are in the areas of mobile interaction, computer graphics, visualization, GIS and Machine Learning applied to industries.

Alberto González Pérez

Alberto González is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Science thanks to an FPU grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU17/03832). Previously, he received his master’s Degree in Intelligent Systems in 2018 and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2017. He joined GEOTEC group via the Study and Research program during his first bachelor’s degree year (2013), a program that allows students to start their research career while they’re studying their bachelor’s degree. He has experience developing web applications, mobile applications and web services, also working with embedded hardware. He aims to expand his developer toolbox adding data scientist skills during his Ph.D. studies, concretely geospatial analysis skills.

Sahibzada Saadoon Hammad

Sahibzada Saadoon Hammad is a geo-informatics engineer with Bachelors of Geo-informatics from National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. He completed his studies with the Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies from UJI, WWU and UNL Lisbon. Currently, he is working as a researcher on a Trust4IoE project. He is interested in geospatial data applications and machine learning.

Ditsuhi Iskandaryan

Ditsuhi Iskandaryan received a bachelor’s degree in Cartography and Cadastral Work (2012) and master’s degree in Cartography at Yerevan State University (2014). She did Erasmus Mundus Master in Geospatial Technologies (2018).  In Armenia, Ditsuhi worked in the department of Water State Cadaster and Balance of the Armenian State Hydrometeorological and Monitoring Service as a junior specialist( June 2013-August 2014), in the department of GIS and Remote Sensing of the Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies (CENS) as a Senior Laboratory Assistant (September 2014- August 2016) and during September 2018 – March 2019 she worked in the department of GIS of the Center of Geodesy and Cartography as a GIS Specialist.  Currently,  she is doing PhD in Jaume I University. She is interested in analyzing big data using machine learning technologies.

Ponlawat Weerapanpisit

Ponlawat Weerapanpisit graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from Chiang Mai University in 2017, Thailand, and an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Geospatial Technologies (2019-2021) from the Universitat Jaume I, Spain, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal, and the University of Münster, Germany. His master’s thesis dealt with decentralising location-based reputation management systems in IoT using Smart Contracts.

Carlos Granell Canut

Carlos Granell is associate professor at UJI. He previously held a 5-year Ramón y Cajal post-doctoral fellowship, worked for 3 years as a postdoc in the Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (Italy), and was a post- and pre-doctoral researcher during the period 2003-2010 at the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, from which he holds a Ph.D. (2006). His research interests lie in multi-disciplinary GIS,  spatial analysis & visualization applied to mental health and mobility, and reproducibility research practice in GIScience.

Pablo Juan

Pablo Juan graduated in chemistry from the University of Castellón in 1997, and received the M.Sc. degree with the thesis Caracterización de la Agresividad de la Lluvia en la Provincia de Castellón in 2001 and the doctoral degree in statistics with Técnicas geoestadísticas espectrales. Análisis de la estacionariedad e independencia in 2005 from Universitat Jaume I of Castellón, where he is currently Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematics. His main areas of methodological and practical
research interest concern spatial statistics, in particular spatial point processes and spatio-temporal geostatistics, motivated by applications in the environmental sciences (forest fires, forest species, wild animals, soil contamination, air pollution, etc.) and in statistical quality control. He has participated in R&D projects at the group of Jorge Mateu, developing selected main problems in stochastic space-time processes. He has published eight books and many articles in different areas (statistics and didactics).